Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 Camera WILL NOT FOCUS CLOSE UP? - 1

Hi, so I got the new samsung Galaxy S5 the day it came out (about a week ago) and haven't had any issues with it until today, when the camera simply will not focus close up… No matter how many times I click the subject to prompt it to auto-focus, it won't. The room is not particularly bright or dim and I have moved the subject around in terms of being very close to the camera, to just quite close and it still won't focus. I have also tried having image stabilisation on and off and have tried clearing the caches and data of the camera in app manager, and restarting the phone. This is an infuriating problem that I also had on my HTC One S, which I had before this phone… Any suggestions?
Update: By close up, I mean less than 10cm away from the camera, and I can assure you it had no issue focusing at 2cm before today (and the subject is in the middle)

Read more: Samsung Galaxy S5 Camera WILL NOT FOCUS CLOSE UP? - 1