Monday, December 10, 2018

Which ideology has the bigger cult following: Flat Earth or Electric Universe?

Hi. I'm curious about this. I know a guy who claims to be a Christian, yet believes in the Flat Earth ideology.

Flat-earthers believe that the world's a flat disk or plane. They think NASA lied about the world being round and their other scientific claims. FE'ers refuse to believe the world is round, despite there being photos taken of Earth from space and that it's been proven time and time again for CENTURIES that the world is round. They think photos taken of Earth from space are fake, and that NASA has some hidden agenda they are trying to suppress from the general public.

Adherents of the Electric Universe theory believe that electricity plays an important part in the formation of the universe. Electric currents that flow along plasma filaments shape and power galaxies. The currents stream into stars, powering them like fluorescent bulbs. They induce the births of planets. Craters on those planets come from electrical arcs, like lightning bolts, that sear the surfaces.

Which ideology has a bigger cult following:
"Flat Earth" or "Electric Science"?

My "friend" actually believes the earth is flat, because the Bible uses phrases like "corners (Rev. 1, Ezekiel 7:2, Isaiah 11:12)", "ends (Isaiah 41:5, Job 37:3 and 38:13)" and "edges of the earth (Job 38:13)."

Isiah 40:22 says "circle of the Earth". I told him about this, and he argues that a flat disc can be round.

I think he's a Fundamentalist- he's taking Scriptures literally.

Please help- thank you.
Added (1). I'm a Born-Again Christian. I think both ideologies are stupid to be honest. What difference does it make what shape our planet is? Why is this so important to SOME people? My "friend" thinks the Flat Earth ideology leads to God.

Why is believing that electric plasma is the basis of the formation of the universe as we know it so important to SOME people?

How are these ideologies helping people in their everyday lives?
Added (2). Go here if you want more insight on "Electric Universe":

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