Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to disable text to speech on a Android Samsung smartphone?

Ok, i have the Samsung Galaxy Stellar smartphone by Verizon. My phone is a 4G LTE Android smartphone (if that matters). Well i never had this problem before, whenever i open an email, my phone just starts reading the whole email out loud. Whenever i click on something, my phone just keeps saying "click". I mean i really do not want my phone to do this, i have private stuff on my phone that i do not want my parents to know about. I have went through my entire phone settings and i found really nothing. I found a thing that said "text to speech", i clicked on that and it would not let me disable it. Apparently, a text to speech always has to be activated. I went through ever inch of my phone settings and i have just come at a dead end. How do i disable this thing?

Read more: How to disable text to speech on a Android Samsung smartphone?